How powerful is video marketing?

“Business decision makers LOVE online video because it gives them the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time.” – Robert Weiss

People are definitely attracted more by something that is visual.

Take e-mail marketing for example. Studies have shown that sending out a marketing e-mail that is just plain text will have some success in achieving some people to click on a link or to subscribe to an offer or to make a purchase. With a different test sample, the same text, this time accompanied with an image, achieves a greater response, and further still, if a video is added, then the rate of response increases again.

Youtube, Vimeo, Vine…Affordable Video Marketing for Business

The use of video for marketing can achieve amazing results especially on platforms like Youtube, Vimeo, and Vine. There are many others and the best advice is to place a marketing video on as many platforms as possible. The results that can be achieved in terms of driving traffic to a website can be dramatic and much faster than the traffic generated when trying to optimise the SEO of an entire website.

It would seem the more visual something is, the more appealing it becomes and this principle couldn’t be any more relevant in marketing, especially internet marketing.

Another advantage to using video marketing is that videos, with the right keywords, are often given much higher rankings on search engine results, especially on Google, and you don’t have to pay anything extra for it to be there either.

Over 500 Million Views for FREE!!!

I am sure that back in 2007 when Youtube user HDCYT uploaded what is now one of the most viewed videos of all time, he could never have envisaged what would happen next. This video has now been viewed an incredible 559 million times (at the time of writing this blog post) which averages out at an astounding 255,000 views per day, on average, since it has been up.

Can you imagine if that video had actually been linked to a product or service or special offer when it was first posted?!?!?! As it is, not all was lost. I remember researching the likely revenue share a few years ago, just from adverts appearing before the video clip, and from the figures that were available then, the suggestion revenue was easily over £100,000. I suspect that has doubled or tripled since then as it was at about 100million views at the time. Not bad for a video less than a minute long that cost nothing to produce.

Yet despite the amount of information available showing the incredible results that video marketing can provide, it is rarely used by businesses. Have a quick look around and you’ll see that not many of them are using video marketing. One of the biggest myths is that it must be expensive or complicated, or too much hassle.Affordable Video Marketing for Business

It is surprisingly affordable. You will still find companies offering their services for £100s or £1,000s per minute much in the same way that if you wanted to find a quote for £5,000 -£10,000 to get a website built, you would be able to get one. The reason they charge these amounts, is because companies will pay those kinds of figures believing its the going rate.

These days, you can get a good quality, high definition video to promote your business, for about £100-£300 if you know where to look.

If you would like to see some samples of what Essex Internet Marketing Solutions can provide click here. More samples will be added over the coming days and weeks.

Are you using video marketing? Are you using Youtube or Vimeo or another service? Let us know how by using the comments box below.

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